City Building
City Parks
- Anderson Park
- Canine Corral Dog Park
- Cap Erbe Park and Wilderness Preserve
- Franklin Park
- Herman Park
- J.B. McHose Park & Shelter
- Larrew Park
- Little League Park
- Lowell Park
- Memorial Park Ball Fields
- Memorial Park Shelter
- Miles Lee Park
- Milwaukee Park
- Parks Department
- Senholz Memorial Park
- Boone Municipal Pool
- Cummings Playground
- Ericson Public Library
- Gutterrridge Shelter
- John Hansen Memorial Skate Rink and Shelter
- Linwood Park Cemetery
- Police Department
- Scout Cabin
- Tennis Courts
- Veterans Memorial Park
- Volleyball Court
- Public Works
- Boone Municipal Airport
- Airport
- Linwood Park Cemetery
- Community Greenspace