Utility Billing provides billing services for the citizens of Boone for their water, sewer, stormwater, and solid waste services.
New Service and Leak Protection
- Application for Start / Stop / Transfer Service
- Resolution 2085 Establishing Rates - Leak Protection Program
- Leak Protection Ordinance
- Process for Making a Claim
- Process for Determination of Coverage
- Leak Protection Claim Form
- FAQs
City Water
Water Service Disconnection Policy:
If your water service has been terminated you are required to do the following to reinstate your service.
Pay the total amount owed including your past due amount, current bill and re-connection fee, bill must be paid by secure means (cash, money order, or cashiers check), service shall remain off until the next business day, failure to maintain prearranged payment plan constitutes delinquency and will result in immediate termination of service.
City Sewer
Sewer Rate Increase (2023)
The City of Boone has received a mandate from the State of Iowa (DNR) to pursue sanitary sewer improvements. The projects are mandates from the state and federal government (IDNR and EPA). The City of Boone is diligently working to complete the mandates while striving to provide growth and development within our corporate limits. Our ultimate goal is to continue to provide effective services for our citizens while maintaining taxing rates.
In the not to distant past Boone confronted rain events in excess of those logged in 1993. Those heavy rain events left a number of citizens with flooded basements. Based on engineering research it has been concluded that problems arose due to infiltration of rainwater into our sanitary sewer coupled with an outdated/undersized sewer main. Some of our main infrastructure is over 70 years of age. To address this we are pursuing a rapid system repair with multiple phases with a total construction estimate of $17 million. We are also pursuing water infrastructure improvements estimated at $5 million. The water improvements are designed to increase flow and pressure to provide adequate fire protection to all segments of our community.
The City has taken action to have a "rate study" completed for water and sewer rates. The results of this study, along with future infrastructure projects, will guide future water and sewer rates.
If you have questions that have not been addressed, please call City Hall at 515-432-4211 and we will do our best to address your concerns.
- Useful
Contact Us
- Phone:
(515) 432-4211 x 2 - Fax:
(515) 433-0630 - Staff Directory
- Office Hours:
M - F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.